Garden of Sinners

Feb 28  |  Donna Gum

“Be careful where you step,” said Jenkins, proud of his tourist trap. “Even evil people deserve respect after death.”

The young couple avoided stepping where Jenkins buried the bodies, their feet sinking into the soft, green grass. I’m glad they stopped here. It’s no fun being broke.

“Here, you’re standing near the burial site of axe wielder, Tom Smith. He killed a family of five, including three children.” Instead of a gravestone, an axe stood up from the ground, garish red paint on the blade. I need to dig the graves deeper. It stinks.

Jenkins turned and spat sour tobacco juice as the couple rushed to pick up twigs or muddy stones as souvenirs from the axe murderer’s grave. Their pockets held many keepsakes from the other burial sites. Jenkins watched, tilting his head as Olivia placed the souvenirs into envelopes labeled with care by Todd.

“We can sell these online. I’m saving for my wedding dress,” said Olivia with excitement. I should begin charging for souvenirs.

Jiggling his leg, eager to go on, Jenkins said, “On your left, there’s the strangler, John Shore. Of course, everyone knows his vicious crimes.” Jenkins didn’t mention he’d become friends with the dead before their executions, promising to take care of their final arrangements.

A rope hanging suspended above the strangler’s grave by thin metal hooks caught the couple’s attention. Jenkins sighed as they took pictures.

“How did you get these bodies? Even famous killers?” asked Olivia, tossing her auburn hair.

“Once they’d committed the crimes, no one else wanted to claim their bodies after execution,” said Jenkins.

“Do the victims’ families receive the proceeds from these tours?” asked Todd.

“Nope, tour guides have to eat too,” said Jenkins, miffed. Todd’s skinny. He doesn’t look strong.

“How do we know there are bodies buried here?” asked Todd. “We only have your word and a tacky sign out by the highway,” he said, shoving unruly hair off his face.

Jenkins covered his mouth before Todd or Olivia noticed his grin. They hadn’t seen the knife in his pocket. Without answering, he guided the couple to a work shed and unlocked the door. Once Todd and Olivia noticed the blood-streaked walls inside. Jenkins and his knife blocked the exit. Todd and Olivia were added to the tour as a ‘killer couple’.

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